July 13, 2020
Directors: John Lohrmann, James Melledy, Chris Shifley
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Commissioners: Brett Laureys
Members: Rose and Werner Brisske, Tabatha Curtis
Guest: Tony Rodkey, Countryside Fire Department Director of Fire-Life Safety Education
The meeting was called to order on July 13, 2020 at 7:09 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President, James Melledy.
Rose and Werner Brisske announced that they were recording the meeting.
Countryside Fire Department Director of Fire-Life Safety Education Tony Rodkey addressed the board on a variety of topics and services offered from Countryside Fire Department including:
Free Boating Safety Class (Registration had filled within hours of opening and will be offered again in 2021.) Online course is available at:http://www.boat-ed.com/illinois/
CPR & First Aid classes. 2020 classes available:
Free child safety seat inspections. No appointments necessary, but please call the Midlothian Road station approximately 15 minutes prior to arrival to be sure the on-duty car seat technician is available: 847-918-6151 Available 7 days a week 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Update regarding open-burning in Unincorporated Lake County. Note: Recently Lake County Board had voted to enact a modified emergency notice that temporarily allows open burning in unincorporated Lake County from sunrise to sunset on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, The ordinance is effective through October 14, 2020. Recreational fires that are no larger than 3x3x3x used for warming, cooking and other recreational purposes are still permitted on all days of the week. Burning garbage, refuse, or construction materials remain prohibited. (from https://www.countrysidefire.com/general/open-burning-regulations/ )
Countryside Fire offers a variety of community programs including pancake breakfast, open house, and station tours. Please check their website at https://www.countrysidefire.com/ for current programs. “Like” Countryside Fire on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/countrysidefiredist/
Rose Brisske commented that she is concerned with the number of boaters who do not follow the correct boating rules and lake rangers not doing enough to protect boaters and skiers. Mr. Rodkey recommended reporting complaints regarding unsafe conditions to the Mundelein Park District and the boat ranger on duty.
James Melledy addressed a concern regarding pier use. Questions regarding financial records for maintenance and repairs of piers, and the availability of spaces, and whether or not spaces can be deeded with the sale of a WSPC home had been raised. Pier Rules and Regulations need to be reviewed and revised as necessary for clarification, especially regarding Pier Captain responsibilities regarding financial transactions related to pier management. It was suggested an active document of members who are waiting for a pier space should be created, maintained, and published for members.
Chris Shifley moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of February 3, 2020 be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by John Lohrmann. Unanimously approved.
John Lohrmann moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of March 2, 2020 be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Chris Shifley. Unanimously approved.
Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 03/01/2020 – 03/31/2020. This report includes year to date activity from 04/01/2020 – 05/31/2020. Chris Shifley moved and John Lohrmann seconded that the Treasurer’s /Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 06/01/2020 – 06/30/2020. John Lohrmann moved and Chris Shifley seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Fred Aichele presented the Analysis For Fiscal Year 04/01/2019 – 03/31/2020 for review.
There was a review and discussion of delinquent accounts.
Brett Laureys reported that the Forest Water Main Project is moving along as expected. Phase 1 of the water main project had been delayed due to the need of further investigation of sewer line repair/construction consideration by Fremont Township. Estimated three weeks of construction to the completion of phase 1 and temporary paving of “old” Forest Lane before moving on to Phase 2. Installation of the new water main will necessitate 2-3 days of intermittent outages as the old main is being disconnected and the new main is being connected and testing of the new water main is completed. Some homes may be without water for 2-3 hours at a time. Cloudy water is to be expected as the lines are being flushed. Contact Brett Laureys if cloudy or foul-smelling water does not subside with flushing. Expenses remain as expected.
Fuel Pump on diesel generator went out and required repair.
Rose Brisske expressed concern that Forest Lane intersections will be blocked by construction /equipment and asked if “old” Forest Lane will be connected to “new” Forest Lane to allow access during construction. It was explained that there are no known plans from Fremont Township to connect the two Forest Lane roads and that the road connection is dependent on Fremont Township.
John Lohrmann reported he will be meeting with Fremont Township to discuss drainage issues.
The Beautification of Miller Park continues. Miller Park Commissioner Stacee Kalmanovsky is hard at work heading this project. If you would like to volunteer time, resources, or to make a donation, please contact Stacee at: [email protected]
John Lohrmann moved that the regular meeting be adjourned. Chris Shifley seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
The board met in Executive Session following the adjournment of the regular meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Public WSPC Regular Monthly Board Meetings will resume on Monday, September 14, 2020 at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060.
The following protocols for entry were sent to the board from the Countryside Fire Department:
Facemasks/face covering must be worn while within the building.
All visitors must sign in at entrance.
Visitors must have their temperature checked and logged at entrance.
Maximum occupancy for Training Room at Mundelein is 22.
James Melledy will be stepping down as WSPC Director. Please contact any member of the board if you are from Block 2 and are interested in serving as a WSPC Director.
September 14, 2020 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
October 5, 2020 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
November 2, 2020 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
December 7, 2020 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
Don’t forget to add [email protected] to your email contacts to ensure that WSP emails and notices are received and not marked as “spam” or “junk” in your email.
Name Month/Year Term Expires
Mike Davenport, At Large February 2021
John Lohrmann, Block 2 February 2021
James Melledy, Block 2 February 2022
Chris Shifley, Block 1 February 2022
Nicki Sullivan, Block 1 February 2021