2023 03 Minutes Mar Final

March 6, 2023

Directors: Larry Bakirtjy (7:12p.m.), Werner Brisske, Chris Shifley, Minaxi Tailor
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Members: Ben Arditti, Tracey Cornish
The meeting was called to order on March 6, 2023 at 7:05 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by Vice-President Chris Shifley.
Werner Brisske moved that the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on February 6, 2023 be approved as corrected. Minaxi Tailor seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
There was an extensive discussion between the board members and members Ben Arditti and Tracey Cornish. The board and officers welcomed the many questions and issues posed from Mr. Arditti and Ms. Cornish and welcomed the opportunity to address the concerns and issues. Please note that the minutes are not intended to be a transcript of the discussions that occur during board meetings. The WSPC board encourages members to attend the monthly meetings.
Items discussed between the board and the members in attendance included:
·         How does the WSP board determine the amount set for the annual assessment (dues)? There was some discussion during the annual meeting that there are several projects in the planning stages that will take place within the next couple years and may be high expense. Why did the annual assessment amount go down if WSPC still has a lot of projects to be completed? The budget is set according to the individual commissioners’ budget requests and what the board foresees as possible upcoming expenses. WSPC recently concluded 5 years of “higher” assessments for the water tank project and 2 years for the Forest Lane water main project. The planning time for the new budget begins in the late summer and continues through the fall. The possible budget is reviewed several times before it is tentatively set for final review in early January and then presented to the membership in late January and then adopted by the board in February following the annual meeting. Late summer/fall is the critical time for members and commissioners to make their concerns known and to submit requests for budget items to be considered for the new budget. Unfortunately, the board has been subjected to complaints about the assessment amount without the understanding of how and where the money is invested into this community. Members are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings.
·         There was a question on how the WSPC board determines the proposed budget that is then presented to the membership prior to the annual meeting and adopted by the board. The discussion included the current By-Laws which WSPC must adhere to: https://westshorepark.com/by-laws/  
It was explained that the WSPC has received advice from our legal counsel to comply with some Illinois laws pertaining to some rules specific to homeowner associations which may affect WSPC.
Fred Aichele explained that the purpose of the annual members’ meeting is to elect the directors and to approve the minutes from the meeting of the previous year. The budget needs to be discussed and drafted well before the annual meeting. The proposed budget must be distributed with (at least) a thirty day notice to the members per Illinois Association law.
·         There was a discussion of the high price of water currently paid for people who live within The Village of Mundelein and how WSPC members do not have these large water bills because of our wells. The maintenance of our wells, generator, and the water system is a large part of WSPC expenses and is still much cheaper than the alternative of paying for Lake Michigan water.
·         There are several short and long-term projects that are either underway or in the planning stages. Director Chris Shifley is compiling a spreadsheet of project details and expenses. Some projects are:
            Complete Miller Park beautification project
            Locating and mapping of all buffalo boxes through WSP
            Block 2 beach / park seawall repair
            Well generator repair and/or replacement
            Identification and removal of dead and dying trees
·         Marilee C.C. Rusiniak stated and Fred Aichele confirmed that WSPC has not issued a special assessment (dues that are requested in addition to the annual assessment) since the early 1980s. This is in part because of the careful management of the budget. It was noted that WSPC is currently in the process of rebuilding the emergency fund. Questions regarding the budget may be submitted to Fred Aichele for further explanation.
·         Question: – Is WSPC responsible for the maintenance, updating, or replacing of buffalo boxes (BB)? WSPC is responsible for the line from the water system up to and including the BB. The line from the BB to the house is the responsibility of the homeowner.
·         Question: Are there tradesmen in WSP who can donate their time and services to help reduce costs? Can they be hired (at an agreed upon rate) by WSPC? Answer: Possibly. WSP has had the benefit of having many people donate their time, talent, and even supplies to help maintain and enhance various aspects of WSP over the years. We are grateful to all of them for their generous individual donations and we always welcome people who are willing to volunteer for the benefit of our wonderful community. Please contact any member of the board if you would like to donate your skill, time, or product to West Shore Park!
·         Question: Block 1 road work is supposed to begin soon. Are the roads going to be widened? Answer: Fremont Township is in charge of the road and drainage project with the collaboration of WSPC. Roads will be surveyed. Some areas may be widened due to easement requirements or the possible removal of encroaching landscaping as determined by Fremont Township. This part of the project is estimated to be done in 2024.
·         Tracey Cornish stated that she and her husband love West Shore Park. It’s a wonderful neighborhood with beautiful tree lined streets, wonderful beaches and parks, and great neighbors. She thanked the board for their time and effort in serving the community and for taking the time to address the questions and concerns presented at this meeting.
Larry Bakirtjy reported that a member had reported that an area of seawall may need some repair in Block 1.
The area of the Block 1 seawall in question will be inspected.
It was reported that a member had requested to install drainage tiles on WSPC property. The installation of the drainage tiles would help with drainage issues that impact both the WSPC property and the property of a member which is on the lake. The member would be willing to help contribute to the cost and labor of installing better drainage for the area. The board will request a proposal of the drainage project from the member for review before approval of any work or cost sharing.
Fred Aichele presented theTreasurer’s Report for 2/01/2023 – 2/28/2023. Werner Brisske moved and Chris Shifley seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Fred Aichele reported that the invoice to refill the generator fuel tank has been received and will be paid.
Review and discussion of the Board and Officers Task List.
Chris Shifley reported that Brad and Becky Rudd have donated a newly built picnic table for use at the Block 2 Beach. Thank you to Brad for the donation of his skill, time, and the materials of this picnic bench. Thank you to the Rudds for this generous donation!
Minaxi Tailor requested confirmation for permission for a member to do light landscape clean-up on their Block 2 beach adjacent property. Larry Bakirtjy stated he would oversee the request and assist if necessary.
Larry Bakirtjy reported that the WSPC property along the lake near the Block 2 beach is scheduled to be professionally identified with survey stakes at the property lines, and that signs will be installed to identify the property as WSPC property for the use and enjoyment of all WSPC members.
Werner Brisske moved that the meeting be adjourned. Chris Shifley seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary
·         April 3, 2023 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
·         May 1, 2023 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
·         June 5, 2023 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Meetings will be held via Zoom in the event that Covid-19 Mitigation Measures are put into place and meeting rooms may not host gatherings. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Please contact any member of the board or check the website for updated information regarding meeting location.
Name                                       Month/Year Term Expires
Werner Brisske, Block 2          February 2024
Mike Davenport, At Large      February 2025
Minaxi Tailor, Block 2              February 2025
Chris Shifley, Block 1               February 2024
Larry Bakirtjy, Block 1             February 2025
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