May 1, 2023
Directors: Larry Bakirtjy, Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, Minaxi Tailor
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Members: Ray Latourette
Guests: Fremont Township Highway Commissioner Alicia Dodd, Lynn Manhard (Taylor Lake Court)
The meeting was called to order on May 1, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President Mike Davenport.
Larry Bakirtjy moved that the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on April 3, 2023 be approved as corrected. Minaxi Tailor seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
Fremont Township Highway Commissioner Alicia Dodd presented a map detailing the small stream that runs under West Shore Drive and along (new) Forest Lane and into the Miller Park Channel. The walls of the stream are collapsing between two Forest Lane homes. Fremont Township is working with the homeowners bordering the stream to address the issue. This may include filling in the open stream between the two homes and continuing the current path of the stream underground through pipes into the channel. Fremont Township requested permission to remove silt that has built-up along a stretch of seawall north of the WSPC block 2 beach. This is to provide the required compensatory storage area from covering over the small portion of land where the stream currently runs between the two Forest Lane homes. Fremont Township is investigating grant money to help off-set the estimated cost of this project.
Alicia Dodd of Fremont Township issued a “Thank you,” to the West Shore Park Volunteers who participated in the road-side clean-up event along route 60/83 on April 22. Fremont Township is hoping to make the clean-up an event that occurs a couple times a year.
Larry Bakirtjy requested that Fremont Township assess a damaged area and patch a large pot-hole on Oakdale Lane.
Lynn Manhard from Taylor Lake Court reported a concern about boats (some with skiers) coming too close to shore near the Taylor Lake Court homes and requested buoys to be installed to keep boaters farther from the shore. It was explained that this request and concern should be brought to the Mundelein Park District. WSPC cannot insert or move the general buoys placed by the park district (except for our WSPC beach markers).
Fred Aichele presented theTreasurer’s Report for 4/01/2023 – 4/30/2023. Minaxi Tailor moved and Werner Brisske seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
The 2023/2024 WSPC Annual Homeowners’ Dues Billing was due 4/30/2023. Delinquent reminders will be sent out May 15. Partial payments are not accepted. Payment can be made by check, or paid by credit card through the WSP website: www.westshorepark.com
Review and discussion of the Board and Officers Task List.
Block 2 Beach license has been received and forwarded to the beach commissioner to be posted.
Fred Aichele reported that the transfer switch installation project has been completed and paid for.
Fred Aichele reported for Water Commissioner Brett Laureys that an inspection of well pump #3 has been completed. It was discovered that repairs are needed. Estimated cost is $11,000.
Werner Brisske moved that the meeting be adjourned. Minaxi Tailor seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary
- June 1, 2023 – Taco Truck Thursday returns to Miller Park. 6:00p.m. BYO beverage if you don’t want what is available for purchase. Residents are encouraged to bring folding chairs, camping chairs, or picnic seating. Event will repeat every other Thursday as weather allows.
- June 5, 2023 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
- June 15, 2023 – Taco Truck Thursday in Miller Park. 6:00p.m.
- June 29, 2023 – Taco Truck Thursday in Miller Park. 6:00p.m.
- July 10, 2023 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
- August 7, 2023 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Meetings will be held via Zoom in the event that Covid-19 Mitigation Measures are put into place and meeting rooms may not host gatherings. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Please contact any member of the board or check the website for updated information regarding meeting location.
January 9, February 6, February 19 (Annual Meeting and Board Meeting), March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 10, August 7, September 11, October 2, November 6, December 4.
Name Month/Year Term Expires
Werner Brisske, Block 2 February 2024
Mike Davenport, At Large February 2025
Minaxi Tailor, Block 2 February 2025
Chris Shifley, Block 1 February 2024
Larry Bakirtjy, Block 1 February 2025
Join the West Shore Park Corporation Facebook Page for official WSPC news as it happens.
Sign up for the private Between the Pillars WSP Facebook Group for updated social events and information. There is a lot planned for 2023 – Don’t miss out!
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We encourage all Fremont Township residents to sign up!