2016 07 Minutes July – Final



July 11, 2016



Directors: James Melledy, Cheryl Moss, Chris Shifley, Nicki Sullivan

Treasurer: Fred Aichele

Secretary: Marilee C.C. Wald


The meeting was called to order on July 11, 2016 at 7:01 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President, James Melledy.



Chris Shifley moved and Cheryl Moss seconded that the minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting of June 6, 2016 be approved as corrected. Unanimously approved.



It was reported that a homeowner has installed a fence. The homeowner will be contacted and the board will work with the property owner on a solution.

James Melledy presented the letter to residents regarding fire pits on WSP common property for final review and approval. A hard copy of the letter will be hand delivered to all WSP residents, emailed, and posted on the website. The WSP Rules and Regulations under Beach Rules and Regulations and Park Rules and Regulations state: No fires (i.e., campfires, leaf burning etc.), littering, glass items, alcoholic beverages, fireworks, or illegal substances.

Cheryl Moss presented a copy of the License Agreement from 2001 for several properties located on the channel. Questions where private property and WSPC Common Property begins have been raised.

James Melledy reported that a letter was sent to a resident on what appeared to be WSPC letterhead which claimed to be from the WSPC board. The letter demanded that property be immediately removed from a specific area. The resident also reported that the property was vandalized and moved. This letter was NOT sent from the WSPC. A member of the WSPC board would have attempted to contact a homeowner in person before sending a signed letter on official WSPC letterhead to address concerns regarding personal property. Personal property cannot be removed without due process.

Please contact a member of the WSPC board if you have a concern or issue regarding WSPC common property and private property. Please be considerate of your neighbors and their private property.

If you are unsure where personal property ends and WSP Common Property begins, please contact a WSPC board member to help you determine where property lines are located.

Nicki Sullivan reported that Margaret Resnick of Mundelein Parks and Recreation has informed her that a weed harvester will be harvesting seaweed in the channel and along designated areas in Diamond Lake along the WSP shoreline. WSP has agreed to allow a dumpster to be delivered to the block 1 beach for the disposal of the weeds collected by the harvester. The harvesting is scheduled to take place the week of July 18 – 20th.

Several properties (mostly unoccupied) have been identified to be reported to Lake County for clean-up of weed overgrowth. These properties are unsightly and could present a safety hazard.

Nicki Sullivan will meet with a representative for estimates for muskrat control for WSP.



The Taylor Lake Court Land Lease Agreement has been completed. The lease has been submitted to one current property owner with additional homeowners to be contacted.


Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 06/01/2016 – 06/30/2016. Chris Shifley moved and Nicki Sullivan seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.

There was a review and discussion of delinquent accounts.



The IEPA permit has been signed and delivered. Additional agreements and permits to be received, reviewed, and approved.


A revised version of the schedule and budget necessary for consideration for the water tank grant has been submitted for review.


Cheryl Moss moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Chris Shifley. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilee C.C. Wald, Secretary



The Next WSP MONTHLY Homeowner’s Association Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 1, 2016, at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, IL 60060.


Annual Dues Notices have been sent to all homeowners. If you are having trouble making the full assessment payment, please contact Fred Aichele to discuss payment options as soon as possible. Every attempt is made to work with the homeowner to collect dues before legal action is considered. The best way to avoid your account being referred for collection, and late charges added to the balance, is to communicate with the board and the Treasurer to make payment accommodations.

Don’t forget to add [email protected] to your email contacts to ensure that WSP emails and notices are received and not marked as “spam” or “junk” in your email.


July 30, 2016 – WSP Annual Picnic

August 1, 2016 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

September 12, 2016 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

October 3, 2016 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

All meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings.



Name                           Month/Year Term Expires

Gina Rundall               February 2017

Nicki Sullivan              February 2017

James Melledy            February 2018

Cheryl Moss                February 2018

Chris Shifley                February 2018