2019 07 Minutes July final



July 1, 2019


Directors: Mike Davenport, John Lohrmann (7:10p.m.), James Melledy, Chris Shifley (7:10 p.m.), Nicki Sullivan

Treasurer: Fred Aichele

Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak

Members: Rose & Werner Brisske, Ken Krasinski


The meeting was called to order on July 1, 2019 at 7:03 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President, James Melledy.


Werner Brisskie announced he was recording the meeting. Ken Krasinski, Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Nicki Sullivan officially objected to being recorded and requested the objection to be recorded in the minutes. Werner Brisske announced he would not record the July 1, 2019 meeting.



Mike Davenport moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of June 3, 2019 be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Nicki Sullivan. Unanimously approved by Mike Davenport, James Melledy, Nicki Sullivan.



James Melledy reported that a party in the Licensing Agreement situation has refused to come to an agreement with WSPC. Legal counsel has suggested a court petition to move the case to court. Mike Davenport requested a summary of the situation: Two homes with property adjacent to WSPC Common Property have been using the WSP property as their own. Despite repeated attempts over many years to communicate with the owners, a legal licensing agreement to use the land has not been reached in either case. Use of the WSPC Common Property without express written permission may result in trespassing, safety, and liability concerns for WSPC.

Mike Davenport moved to proceed with litigation in the “Manhard Taylor Lake Court Licensing Agreement” issue.

Nicki Sullivan seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. Mike Davenport – yes. John Lohrmann – yes. James Melledy – yes. Chris Shifley – yes. Nicki Sullivan – yes.



James Melledy reported that 4 emails had been received in response to the “Parking Issue” notification email and letter distributed to all the homeowners and residents. All the emails received were in favor of an overnight-street-parking-ban. One email expressed the desire for a “trial-run” of the ban to evaluate the effectiveness.

Ken Krasinski expressed that he believed the suggestion and explanation of the need for the overnight-street-parking-ban was well thought out and is personally fully in support of the possibility. He recommended that the WSPC members as individual homeowners/residents should make their desire known rather than the WSPC Board act as the instigator to implementing this ban in order to lend the recommendation validity and strength.

Werner Brisske made the observation that many homes have boulders or permanent structures installed on what may be the road right-of-way, and asked if those obstructions can and will be cleared away. It was explained that WSPC would have to work with Fremont Township on this issue because Fremont Township owns the roads. Mike Davenport requested if Fremont Township, Lake County Sherriff, or Countryside Fire can to do an

inspection of the roads to identify and determine which homes have landscaping or structures on the road right-of-way and to clear the obstructions. Nicki Sullivan suggested inviting Fremont Township to the August 5 Regular Board Meeting to answer any questions.

Werner Brisske expressed his concern regarding enforcement of the parking ban, and the reaction of residents, if the overnight-street-parking-ban is implemented.


A large blue-green algae bloom was identified in Diamond Lake in mid-June. WSPC members were notified via email blast. The Lake County Health Department was alerted and the water was tested over a series of days to measure the toxicity of the algae-bloom. The Lake County Health Department cannot make the recommendation to close beaches due to a blue-green algae bloom, and WSPC decided to announce the bloom and make the recommendation to avoid swimming at the beaches until testing was completed. Nicki Sullivan reported that Lake County can provide signs, if requested, for our beaches to warn and caution residents if there is another blue-green algae bloom. Residents are encouraged to report blue-green algae blooms to the Illinois Department of Public Health. From the Illinois Department of Public Health website:


What are blue-green algae?
Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, are photosynthetic bacteria that are a natural part of the aquatic environment.  Blue-green algae are often present in Illinois lakes in small or moderate amounts, but can grow and proliferate quickly in warm, fresh water that is rich with nutrients (like nitrogen and phosphorous).  This sudden, rapid growth is referred to as an algal “bloom”.

What are harmful algal blooms?
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are blue-green algae blooms that may adversely affect humans, animals, and the environment.  In Illinois, blooms typically occur during the warm-weather months of June through September.  Blooms may appear as a thick scum layer or green paint on the surface of the water, and can be a variety of colors such as blue, green, or brown.  There may also be a foul odor present during a bloom, especially during the warm summer months.

http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/environmental-health-protection/toxicology/habs (July 22, 2019)


Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 06/01/2019 – 06/30/2019. Nicki Sullivan moved and Chris Shifley seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.

There was a review and discussion of dues that have been received and delinquent accounts.

Delinquent accounts have moved into collection procedure. Payment in full was due on April 30, 2019.


John Lohrmann reported that a large branch had fallen on WSPC during a recent storm and will have to be removed. Nicki Sullivan reported that Fremont Township had collected fallen branches and debris that residents had moved next to the street following the strong storms.

Nicki Sullivan reported that general repairs and painting of the well-house is underway. A motion-sensor light will be installed on the well-house. The roof will be inspected and repaired as necessary.

Nicki Sullivan moved to approve up to, and no more than $1,800.00 to be spent on well-house roof repairs. Seconded by John Lohrmann. Unanimously approved.


Nicki Sullivan reported that mulch will be delivered for Miller Park free of charge. (A substantial savings for WSPC.)

Nicki Sullivan reported that there is a dead tree adjacent to Miller Park in need of inspection and removal. It also has to be determined if the tree is on WSPC property or private property. The cost and timing if/when the tree can be removed has to be investigated.

A non-resident tried to drive through the undeveloped, unpaved area between the two ends of Forest Lane and got stuck. There was damage to the area. Fremont Township will be contacted to inspect the area and help determine necessary repairs.

James Melledy presented the “Welcome to WSP” letter to new residents for review and revision.

James Melledy reported that a new owner had made a request to install a fence. A letter of explanation on the WSPC “no-fence” rule has been provided to the new owner.


James Melledy reported for Brett Laureys that Fremont Township requires permission and access onto the property of two homeowners to access and repair the storm drain. If permission is granted, the project should move forward. Engineering has been completed and next steps are under review. Engineering Specs will be received for review once completed.


Nicki Sullivan moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Chris Shifley. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary



The Next WSP Monthly Homeowners’ Association Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 5, at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, IL 60060.

Nicki Sullivan is looking for volunteers to help paint and complete various small maintenance and beautification projects. Young-adults who need volunteer service hours may be able to earn their hours by helping volunteer within WSP. Please contact Nicki Sullivan or any member of the board if you are interested in volunteering within our neighborhood.


Don’t forget to add [email protected] to your email contacts to ensure that WSP emails and notices are received and not marked as “spam” or “junk” in your email.


August 5, 2019 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

September 9, 2019 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

October 7, 2019 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

October 12, 2019 – Fremont Township Brush Pick-Up

November 4, 2019 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

All meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings.


Name                                       Month/Year Term Expires

Mike Davenport, At Large        February 2021

John Lohrmann, Block 2           February 2021

James Melledy, Block 2            February 2020

Chris Shifley, Block 1               February 2020

Nicki Sullivan, Block 1             February 2021


2019 WSPC Meeting Dates

January 7

February 4

Annual Meeting February 17

Board Meeting Immediately Following Annual Members’ Meeting February 17

March 4

April 8

May 6

June 3

July 1

August 5

September 9

October 7

November 4

December 2