2020 11 Minutes Nov DRAFT



November 9, 2020


Directors: Mike Davenport, John Lohrmann, James Melledy, Chris Shifley, and Nicki Sullivan (7:04 p.m.)

Treasurer: Fred Aichele

Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak

Commissioners: Stacee Kalmanovsky

Members: Werner Brisske, Tabatha Curtis


The meeting was called to order on November 9, 2020 at 7:01 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President James Melledy.


Mike Davenport moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of October 5, 2020 be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Chris Shifley. Unanimously approved.


     A  Correspondence from a WSPC member inquiring about installation of streets lights, specifically on the tight, dark corner where Fairview becomes Prairie near Lewandowski Park was discussed. It was reported that Fremont Township is reviewing the possibility of the installation of a street light and evaluating the corner regarding problems with visibility.

     B. A WSPC member reported a sewer-line break in the road. The repair has been completed and the road remains to be repaid. It was reported that the county will be doing sanitary sewer-line work on Oakdale Lane near block 1 beach in mid-to-late-November and an additional sewer-line repair has been completed by Lake County near Westshore Drive and Fairview.


Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 10/01/2020 – 10/31/2020.  Chris Shifley moved and John Lohrmann seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted.  Unanimously approved. There was a review and discussion of delinquent accounts.


Fred Aichele presented the first draft of the proposed 2021-2022 budget for review and discussion.


Commissioner Stacee Kalmanovsky requested clarification on the division of funds regarding park maintenance and funds for the improvement of Miller Park.

Phase 1 of the Miller Park Improvement Program has been completed including: establishing garbage service, Miller Park sign refurbished, defined play area with landscape timbers and woodchips, added small sand play area. Began landscaping which included: trim trees and bushes, kill weeds in set areas, added new plantings and seeding, removed dead trees and bushes and planted new trees, and added rain garden.

Phase 2 tentative plan include: repaint benches, resurface blacktop, add arbor near channel, add mural on water tower, add shade sail, installation of obstacle course stumpery from donated tree stumps, add low table near benches, add porta-potty service and add basketball hoop. Please note that items in this phase are tentative.

Miller Park Commissioner Stacee Kalmanovsky is hard at work on the Miller Park Beautification Project. If you would like to volunteer time, resources, or to make a donation, please contact Stacee at: [email protected]


One Director Nomination Form has been submitted for review and verification.

James Melledy will be stepping down as WSPC Director. Please contact any member of the board if you are from Block 2 and are interested in serving as a WSPC Director.


Mike Davenport moved that the meeting be adjourned. John Lohrmann seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

The board met in Executive Session following the adjournment of the regular meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary



**The WSP Monthly Homeowners’ Association Meetings have been

postponed until further notice **

On Friday, November 20, 2020 Illinois entered into Tier 3 Covid-19 Mitigation Measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Meeting rooms, banquet centers, private party rooms, private clubs and country clubs may not host gatherings. https://www2.illinois.gov/IISNews/22356-Tier_3_Resurgence_Migitations.pdf Countryside Fire Department is currently closed to meetings until further notice.

If anyone has any questions regarding WSPC and the efforts of the board to remain working for you during this unprecedented time, please contact a board member. Even though there are no Monthly Board Meetings scheduled at this time, the board is still communicating with one another and conducting WSPC business as much as the current situation will allow.

James Melledy will be stepping down as WSPC Director. Please contact any member of the board if you are from Block 2 and are interested in serving as a WSPC Director.

Please sign up for the Fremont Township email newsletter at www.fremonttownship.com .We encourage all Fremont Township residents to sign up!


Don’t forget to add [email protected] to your email contacts to ensure that WSP emails and notices are received and not marked as “spam” or “junk” in your email.


Name                                        Month/Year Term Expires

Mike Davenport, At Large        February 2021

John Lohrmann, Block 2          February 2021

James Melledy, Block 2           February 2022

Chris Shifley, Block 1               February 2022

Nicki Sullivan, Block 1             February 2021