Directors: Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, John Lohrmann, Chris Shifley
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Commissioners: Stacee Kalmanovsky (7:28 p.m.)
Members: Larry Bakirtjy, James Melledy
The meeting was called to order on May 3, 2021 at 7:06 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President Mike Davenport.
Chris Shifley moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of April 5, 2021 be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by John Lohrmann. Unanimously approved.
Secretary Marilee C.C. Rusiniak presented the first draft of the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes. Suggestions and comments noted. Next review will take place at the June 2021 Regular Monthly Meeting.
A backyard fence had been identified by a member and reported to the board along with pictures of the fence. The board will contact the resident and request that the fence be removed before referring the matter to legal counsel.
A resident expressed concern that young adults/teens have been observed driving golf carts on the roads at a high rate of speed and driving into Miller Park on the grassy areas. Please report any safety concerns to the Lake County Sherriff’s Department Non-Emergency Line at: (847) 377-4000
Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 04/01/2021 – 04/30/2021. Werner Brisske moved and John Lohrmann seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Fred Aichele reported:
Federal WSPC tax return confirmed received.
Beach licenses paid and office address updated.
Email platform will be updating in June from provider.
Legal invoices currently being reviewed in advance of payment.
The 2021/2022 WSPC Annual Homeowners’ Dues Billing was sent out at the beginning of April. Partial payments will no longer be accepted. Payment can be made by check, or paid by credit card through the WSP website:
Please pay promptly to avoid having your account forwarded to collections.
Miller Park – Stacee Kalmanovsky
Commissioner Kalmanovsky provided an update on the Miller Park Improvement Project. Newly completed tasks include:
Rain garden has been seeded
Benches are planned to be repaired and painted
Options for weed control are under consideration
Soliciting bids for planned necessary repair to well-house roof
The possible addition of a basketball hoop was discussed. Four emails from both WSP and West Shoreland members were received positively expressing favor in installing a basketball hoop at Miller Park. Four emails from both WSP and West Shoreland members were received expressing that they do not want a basketball hoop installed at Miller Park. One member submitted an email requesting not installing a port-a-potty in Miller Park. There was a discussion regarding the basketball hoop.
WSPC Board Members Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, John Lohrmann, and Chris Shifley voted unanimously in favor of approving the installation of a single basketball hoop at Miller Park. Signage with Miller Park hours and rules will also be installed.
Water – Brett Laureys
Brett Laureys reported via email that a resident had reported cloudy water from the tap in their home. The WSPC well operator was contacted for additional direction and information in resolving the issue. Additional water-main testing and flushing is being considered. No additional residents have recently reported problems with tap water.
The Taylor Lake Court Property Summary letter from the WSPC Board was distributed to the membership. This letter summarized the current status of the property and the status of the current court case regarding the property.
Member Larry Bakirtjy expressed questions and concerns to the board regarding the possible sale of the property. There was an extensive discussion regarding the property.
James Melledy requested that any questions, comments, or concerns raised regarding the Taylor Lake Court Property be sent to him to be recorded and will be presented to legal counsel and represented in the next scheduled mediation meeting with the lawyer/Judge.
Review and discussion of the Board and Officers Task List.
Mr. Bakirtjy raised concern regarding current members using what appears to be WSP common property as their own property including installing docks, landscaping, and other structures on the common property. Mr. Bakirtjy also expressed his concern that current WSPC members do not have information on how to request boat space on piers. He requested clearer information on public vs. private docks, information on how to request dock space, and direction on where the pier information is available. (Documents regarding this information are available on the WSPC website. Any questions may be directed to any member of the WSPC Board.)
John Lohrmann moved that the meeting be adjourned. Werner Brisske seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary
Anyone interested in serving as a Director for the WSPC Board should contact any Director or the Secretary to be considered for the position. The term will begin immediately and continue into February 2023.
June 7, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
July 5, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
August 2, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
September 13, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Meetings will be held via Zoom in the event that Tier 3 Covid-19 Mitigation Measures are put into place and meeting rooms may not host gatherings. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Please contact any member of the board or check the website for updated information regarding meeting location.
Don’t forget to add [email protected] to your email contacts to ensure that WSP emails and notices are received and not marked as spam or junk in your email.