July 5, 2021
Directors: Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, John Lohrmann (7:03 p.m.), Chris Shifley
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Members: Larry Bakirtjy, Bruce Brodzik, Lisa Park, Patrick Quinn, Sharon Zink
The meeting was called to order on July 5, 2021 at 7:01 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President Mike Davenport.
Werner Brisske moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of June 7, 2021 be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Chris Shifley. Unanimously approved.
John Lohrmann moved that the draft version minutes from the 2021 Annual Member’s Meeting be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Chris Shifley. Unanimously approved. The draft version of the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes is for information purposes only. The minutes will be presented to the WSPC membership at the Annual Member’s Meeting in February of 2022 for final approval.
A radar speed sign was installed by Fremont Township near Miller Park at the request of member Bruce Brodzik. The sign is temporary. A request has been made to have it re-installed at various locations in WSP to help remind drivers to follow speed limits.
There was a discussion regarding the proof of ownership, registration, and current proof of insurance for boats currently docked on piers attached to WSPC property. Volunteers will begin working on collecting necessary information to ensure all boats are compliant with current laws. Rules and Regulations pertaining to boats and piers will be reviewed and revised for clarity and legal compliance as necessary.
There was a discussion regarding teenagers and children observed driving unsafely in golf carts in WSP including ignoring stop signs, not obeying the rules of the road, driving through private property, through Miller Park, and driving on beach areas where golf carts are not permitted. The golf cart rules, written in accordance with Fremont Township Ordinance of 2012, were presented and reviewed. It will be re-distributed to the membership.
Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 06/01/2021 – 06/30/2021. Werner Brisske moved and John Lohrmann seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Question regarding on who is paying for WSP garbage collection as no bills have been received. Review to confirm whether or not WSPC has a garbage collection contract with Groot is needed.
Review and discussion of the Board and Officers Task List.
Fred Aichele reported that the WSP beach license addresses for both beaches have been reviewed for clarity and consistency and are currently in the process of being updated with Lake County.
Miller Park Commissioner Stacee Kalmanovsky reported via email on progress made at Miller Park:
Blacktop has been seal coated.
Benches refinished/painted.
Unfortunately, the basketball backboard and hoop set was delivered and was stolen from Miller Park before it was installed. A second set was purchased and installed. (If anyone has any information regarding the theft of the back-board and hoop set, please contact the Lake County Sherriff Department and the WSPC Board with the information.) Whether or not to file an insurance claim regarding the theft is under consideration.
Financial request presented for maintenance going forward for Miller Park. There was a brief review of proposed maintenance costs vs. what is currently available in the budget.
Question regarding best placement for the Miller Park garbage can. Question if there is a specific volunteer who will pull the garbage can out to be ready for pick-up Friday morning and who will move can back off the street after garbage pick-up?
Keys for WSPC property / locks will be located and it will be documented on who currently has which keys for which locks.
2020 WSPC Water Quality Report has been distributed to the membership via email and is available on the WSPC website: https://westshorepark.com/?page_id=2829
Hardcopies of the report were distributed to all homes without a registered email address.
The WSP Homeowner Directory is currently being revised for 2021. Please contact Fred Aichele if you have any changes you would like to make to your information.
WSPC received two eligible nominations to be considered for the open position of Director.
The candidates for Director Block 1 – Remainder of 2 year term vacated by Nicholas Dollenmaier:
Larry Bakirtjy (26713 Oakdale Lane)
Patrick Quinn (26747 Circle Drive)
Both candidates introduced themselves and presented their reasons for wanting to be elected to the open Director position.
Larry Bakirtjy was elected to the open position by secret vote of present board members: Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, John Lohrmann, and Chris Shifley. Election result certified by Secretary, Marilee C.C. Rusiniak.
Werner Brisske moved that the meeting be adjourned. Chris Shifley seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
The board met in Executive Session following the adjournment of the regular meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary
August 2, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
September 13, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
October 4, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
November 1, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Meetings will be held via Zoom in the event that Tier 3 Covid-19 Mitigation Measures are put into place and meeting rooms may not host gatherings. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Please contact any member of the board or check the website for updated information regarding meeting location.
The WSP Homeowner Directory is currently being revised for 2021. Please contact Fred Aichele if you have any changes you would like to make to your information.
Name Month/Year Term Expires
Werner Brisske, Block 2 February 2022
Mike Davenport, At Large February 2023
John Lohrmann, Block 2 February 2023
Chris Shifley, Block 1 February 2022
Larry Bakirtjy Block 1 February 2023
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We encourage all Fremont Township residents to sign up!