Sept 12, 2022
Directors: Larry Bakirtjy, Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, Minaxi Tailor (7:30p.m.)
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Commissioners: Brett Laureys
Members: Rose Brisske, Tom Pilewski, Nicki Sullivan
The meeting was called to order by President Mike Davenport on September 12, 2022 at 7:21 p.m. at 26630 N Circle Drive, Mundelein due to Countryside Fire Station #1 being unexpectedly inaccessible.
Werner Brisske moved that the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on August 1, 2022 be approved as corrected. Minaxi Tailor seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
Werner Brisske moved that the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on June 6, 2022 be approved as corrected. Minaxi Tailor seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
Rose Brisske reported that the first “Taco Truck Thursday” at Miller Park was successful. The event will continue on Thursday evenings as weather permits. Notices will be sent to the community regarding any changes.
Nicki Sullivan, Water Commissioner Brett Laureys, and the board reviewed and discussed the buffalo box and water connection situation for her property. All parties had additional information related to how water was hooked up to her property and the disconnection and connection costs associated. Additional information is needed from contractors who worked on the issue.
Nicki Sullivan reported that a resident expressed concern to her that the channel may be filling with sediment and may become un-navigable for boats. It was explained that WSPC does not maintain the channel. The resident should bring the matter to the attention of the Mundelein Park District.
Tom Pilewski reported to the board that a strong “rotten egg / sulphur” smell has been present in the water along with a sediment-like material that appears to be coming from the water system. Mr. Pilewski provided a small sample of the sand-like material collected from his home. Brett Laureys confirmed that he had received numerous complaints about the smell and presence of sediment from additional WSP residents. Mr. Laureys explained that the water in WSP is drawn from a natural aquifer that has two wells – the deep well and the shallow well. All water drawn from the wells is
blended and treated to meet specific standards determined by the health department. It was explained that sometimes the pumps have to work harder during the summer during dry and hot conditions, as more people use more water for landscaping. Sometimes, due to the extreme amount of pumping, there can be sediment and/or an off-smell because the water is drawn from deeper in the wells. It was also reiterated that natural wells tend to contain a sulfur smell. The location of the
home on the WSP water system and the age of the pipes in the home may also contribute to the quality of the water from the tap. It was discussed that whole house water filters and home water softener systems can eliminate smell and sediment. It was recommended that opening all taps and allowing the water to run for a while may also help clean out water that has been standing in the pipes in the home.
Mr. Laureys reported that water system flushes are scheduled for twice a year. As a result of the complaints received, there was a water system flush completed in Block 1 on Friday, September 9th. Mr. Pilewski stated that a notice of a water system flush should have been sent to the membership. Mr. Laureys explained that a notice that the water system was going to be flushed was not sent to the membership because he did not know the water maintenance team was going to do the task until after it was completed. It was agreed that prior notification should be received and communicated to the membership before flushing is done. Mr. Laureys reported that all water tests have been coming back as “normal”.
Nicki Sullivan requested how the Taylor Lake Court situation was concluded. Mike Davenport explained it was covered at the annual meeting. As reported at the annual meeting: The court case ended in what he would call a split decision. There were two home owners on Taylor Lake Court that made claim to WSP property. One was successful and the other was not.
Mike Davenport reported that he was approached by someone requesting to purchase WSP property. This is not possible in accordance to the West Shore Park By-Laws. A licensing agreement for use of the property will be considered.
Mike Davenport reported that the board should start reviewing options for the repair of the sea-wall so that budgeting can begin for the proposed cost of repair.
Mike Davenport reported that the board had inspected the damaged steps built into the landscaping of common property that is adjacent to private property near block 2 beach. It was decided that the steps will not be re-built, and what is left of the original steps will be removed for safety.
Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 8/01/2022 – 8/31/2022. Werner Brisske moved and Larry Bakirtjy seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Brett Laureys reported that a homeowner in block 1 had difficulty locating a shut-off valve/buffalo box (BB) for water from the water-main. It was discovered the BB was paved over and was possibly located under the garage and/or driveway. There was a discussion regarding the need for a survey of where all BBs for homes in WSP are located. This will prevent having to search for a needed BB connection when water needs to be shut-off or during an emergency. There is a possibility of
collaborating with Fremont Township to map known BB locations and to locate and map as many as possible. The project may be extensive and the cost involved needs to be considered and budgeted for.
Fred Aichele stated that BB information should be presented to new owners with the request to properly mark the BB location, not to cover a BB with landscaping, or obstruct it with any structure.
He also suggested the same request go to all current homeowners.
Tasks noted include:
New lock installation and all new keys for well-house is still outstanding.
Larry Bakirtjy presented a survey stake for consideration in marking WSPC property lines. Various options and cost for marking WSPC was discussed.
Werner Brisske moved that the meeting be adjourned. Minaxi Tailor seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary
October 3, 2022 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
November 7, 2022 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
December 5, 2022 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Meetings will be held via Zoom in the event that Covid-19 Mitigation Measures are put into place and meeting rooms may not host gatherings. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Please contact any member of the board or check the website for updated information regarding meeting location.
Name Month/Year Term Expires
Werner Brisske, Block 2 February 2024
Mike Davenport, At Large February 2023
Minaxi Tailor, Block 2 February 2023
Chris Shifley, Block 1 February 2024
Larry Bakirtjy, Block 1 February 2023
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