2024 10 Minutes Oct — Final



Oct 7,2024


Directors: Ben Arditti, Larry Bakirtjy, Mike Davenport                                             

Treasurer: Fred Aichele

Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak

Commissioners: Chad Karol – Water

Others: President of West Shoreland Corporation Catherine Shannon & WSL Member Bob Balogh


The meeting was called to order on October 7, 2024 at 7:01 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President Mike Davenport.


Larry Bakirtjy moved that the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on August 5, 2024 be approved as presented. Ben Arditti seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.


President of West Shoreland Corporation, Catherine Shannon, and WSL member, Bob Balogh, expressed concerns regarding the future seawall project, the associated cost, the status of bids for the seawall project, and asked questions about ongoing projects where costs are shared with West Shoreland.

Concerns were raised about the potential costs associated with tree maintenance and the implications of falling trees from the beaches and parks onto neighboring properties. The need for clear communication regarding property boundaries and responsibilities and a suggestion to install markers or benches to delineate property lines, which could help prevent misunderstandings about land ownership and usage rights, was discussed.

The financial implications of maintaining properties that are not directly accessible to West Shoreland residents (Taylor Lake Court) were discussed.


Fred Aichele presented theTreasurer’s Report for 8/01/2024 – 8/31/2024. Ben Arditti moved and Larry Bakirtjy seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.

Fred Aichele presented theTreasurer’s Report for 9/01/2024 – 9/30/2024. Ben Arditti moved and Larry Bakirtjy seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.


Beach and Parks:

Recent maintenance activities included mowing and cleanup at Block 1 and Block 2 beaches. It was noted that Block 1 Beach had four mowings completed, with a total cost of $750 for mowing and cleanup, which included an additional $350 charge for trimming over-grown bushes. Block 2 Beach mowing was completed at a cost of $400, with no additional cleanup charges submitted.

Several trees near the channel need to be assessed for removal due to their condition. A price quote for the removal of a specific dying tree on the channel has been received and the removal will be scheduled.

Concerns were raised regarding the lack of communication between the commissioners and the board. It was emphasized that timely updates and approvals are crucial to avoid delays in maintenance and billing. The board discussed the need for commissioners to provide clear reports on the services rendered and to ensure that all invoices are approved before payment. There was a suggestion to implement a more structured communication process to facilitate this.

The need for a dedicated landscaping commissioner was discussed along with the possibility of restructuring the commissioner roles to improve accountability and efficiency in managing landscaping tasks. The prospective landscaping commissioner could oversee all landscaping-related activities, including maintenance of parks and beaches, to streamline responsibilities and improve communication with board members.


Commissioner Chad Karol reported that all three wells in Miller Park may require some servicing. It was noted that well number three may need immediate attention. The board discussed the importance of chlorinating the wells and ensuring they are properly maintained, especially given their age (dating back to the 1980s). The commissioner will follow up with GHA for quotes on the necessary maintenance work.


Review and discussion of the Board and Officers Task List.


The board agreed to review the current structure of the commissioner roles. Following board meetings will address the need for all commissioners to be aligned on their responsibilities moving forward. The board acknowledged the need for improved communication regarding financial matters, particularly with commissioners approving bills without adequate notification to the board.

Commissioners and members are reminded that budget planning for the 2025-2026 fiscal year is now underway. Commissioners and members are encouraged to attend monthly board meetings to have their concerns and requests regarding the budget addressed during the planning stage. The most important meetings regarding how WSPC spends funds collected from the homeowners are from October through December.


Some email servers have been marking some WSP outgoing emails as “undeliverable”. Some people do not receive some of the emails that are sent out. Please add [email protected] to your email contact list to help ensure you get WSP emails.

Generator Update:

Fred Aichele confirmed that the generator has been ordered, and the payment has been processed. Expected delivery date is mid-January due to manufacturing delays. Gas line installation is scheduled to be completed by North Shore Gas in late October. A new concrete pad will be installed for the new generator and the existing fuel tank will be relocated. Pre-installation items estimated to be completed before the ground freezes to ensure a smooth installation when the generator arrives.


Larry Bakirtjy moved that the meeting be adjourned. Ben Arditti seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Executive Session Opened: 8:33 p.m.

Executive Session Closed: 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary


  • October 7, 2024 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
  • November 4, 2024 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
  • December 2, 2024 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting
  • January 6, 2025 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.


Name                                        Month/Year Term Expires

Ben Arditti, Block 2                    February 2026

Mike Davenport, At Large           February 2025

Minaxi Tailor, Block 2                February 2025

Chris Shifley, Block 1                 February 2026

Larry Bakirtjy, Block 1   February 2025


Join the West Shore Park Corporation Facebook Page for official WSPC news as it happens.

Sign up for the private Between the Pillars WSP Facebook Group for updated social events and information.

Please add [email protected] to your email contacts. We have been experiencing some difficulty with certain email servers rejecting emails because they are thought to be spam.

Please do not send emails to the [email protected] email address. The email is used mainly for sending out email to members and is not regularly checked. Your email may sit for some time before being forwarded to the correct individual to handle your situation or request. Please email or call Secretary Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, or directly contact any member of the board. Email addresses are available on the website and phone numbers are listed in the West Shore Park Homeowner Directory.

Please sign up for the Fremont Township email newsletter at www.fremonttownship.com

We encourage all Fremont Township residents to sign up!

It is recommended that pedestrians walking at night or dusk/dawn should wear reflective clothing and have a flashlight or light-up leash for their dog. The NHTSA recommends the following safety tip for walking in a neighborhood without sidewalks such as WSP and West Shoreland: Pedestrians should walk FACING traffic and as far away from traffic as possible.  https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/pedestrian-safety (Bicycles ride along WITH traffic.) Dog owners are also reminded to please obey leash laws and to always pick-up after your dog.