Save the Oaks
July 2020
To: West Shore Park Residences
Re: Sick Trees
Hello Neighbors,
What a beautiful neighborhood we live in. The Lake, Great Friendly Neighbors and Wonderful Tree Canopy that keeps us cool in the Summer and Busy in the Fall. Which is the reason why I am writing you…. The Trees.
There is a condition infecting our Oak Trees called Burr Oak Blight. This disease affects White Oaks that transfers from tree to tree through the extensive root systems and kills the trees that it infects. I became aware of this by accident when my Oak Tree in my back yard died and I talked to an expert and then another one and………
The symptoms start with spotting on the leaves and then then the leaves turn brown usually starting on the bottom and working upwards until the tree dies. One only has to walk through the neighborhood and look at all of the trees that are suffering this fate. There is hope but it does cost $$$.
– It cost about $1000.00+ to take down a dead tree.
-It cost on average $500 to treat and save the tree
I contacted SavaTree out of Northbrook and they said that they are willing to “deal” if you go in with a neighbor. Please call, 847 726 1991 ask for Brandon Coventry to obtain a quote to save your tree.
Want more information, google Burr Oak Blight that started in Iowa
John Harshey
Circle Drive