February 18, 2018
Directors: James Melledy, Cheryl Moss, Chris Shifley, Nicki Sullivan, Sharon Zink
Treasurer: Fred Aichele
Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak
Commissioners: Bruce Brodzik, Angelo Cangialosi, Brett Laureys, Dan Prezell
Members: 31 present and 20 proxies
Others: Jeralyn “Jeri” Atleson, Fremont Township Trustee; Chuck Bartels, Lake County Board Member, District 10; Teresa Bartels; Diana O’Kelly, Lake County Township Supervisor.
President, James Melledy introduced Diana O’Kelly, Lake County Township Supervisor.
Mrs. O’Kelly has been in public service to Fremont Township since 1994.
Some of the topics discussed by Mrs. O’Kelly included:
Fremont Township is currently experiencing a salt shortage. Salt is on order but there is no current information on when the shortage will end.
Repairs to Circle Drive are scheduled for the next couple of years.
There has been a lot of tree trimming and removal within WSP.
Mike Davenport asked about the trees that are against powerlines along Route 60/83. Diana O’Kelly stated that those trees are maintained by the State of Illinois and she will forward his concern to the state.
There are many services and programs that Fremont Township provides for residents including:
Fremont Township Food Pantry. Also looking for volunteers and donations.
Heating Cost assistance is available through Fremont Township for low-income residents.
Programs to help people with drug addictions.
Programs to help people who are homeless.
Reported that leaf burning is allowed within unincorporated Lake County.
Fremont Township is investigating the possibility to contract a single waste hauler who would provide leaf collection (to help reduce leaf burning), better pricing than what may be currently available, senior discounts, recycling, and electronics recycling.
The Annual Fremont Township meeting will be held on April 10, 2018.
Early voting, absentee voting and voting by mail are all options available in Fremont Township.
Encouraged residents to “Like” the Fremont Township Facebook page.
Residents are encouraged to contact Diana O’Kelly with concerns and issues.
Residents can receive Fremont Township News, by emailing her: [email protected]
Bill Grinnell, Fremont Township Highway Commissioner, was not able to make his scheduled appearance at the meeting. Residents are encouraged to contact Bill Grinnell at [email protected] to report road conditions and other highway concerns.
President, James Melledy introduced Chuck Bartels, Lake County Board Member, District 10.
Some of the topics discussed by Mr. Bartels included:
Bartels has been on the Lake County Board for over 3.5 years.
Expressed that Lake County Board and staff are knowledgeable and responsive and encourages Lake County residents to express their concerns and ask questions. If he does not have an answer to your question he will refer to the person or department that may be able to provide the information.
Encouraged people at the Annual Meeting to pick-up literature he brought to the meeting.
Encouraged people to sign up for his email newsletter:
Capital improvement projects, information including updates on Lake County events and upcoming meeting dates are available in the newsletter and on his website. He encourages resident input:
The Lake County budget has been approved at $437 million. The budget has increased less than 2% from last year. This increase translates to an approximate increase of less than $10 per year for homeowners. Encouraged Lake Country residents to learn more about the Lake County Budget:
Nicki Sullivan reported that Mr. Bartels helped facilitate resolution of the concerns that have been raised regarding vacant properties.
The annual meeting was called to order at 1:59 p.m. on February 18, 2018 by President, James Melledy at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road.
Werner Brisske (Forest Drive) introduced himself.
Nick Dollenmaier (Circle Drive) introduced himself.
Patrick Quinn (Circle Drive) introduced himself.
The directors, treasurer, secretary, and commissioners in attendance introduced themselves.
Bruce Brodzik moved and Ken Krasinski seconded that the minutes of February 19, 2017 be approved as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
2018 WSPC Annual Meeting
Fremont Township – Fremont has been very instrumental in the improvement of West Shore Park. Since taking over the roads back a few years ago Fremont has worked with WSPC on the following infrastructure projects:
Signed off as a sponsor for the Lake County Grant for the Water Tank Project which saved several residents over $2,000 dollars on their dues.
Forest Lane Creek Improvements
Forest Lane Paving
Block II Beach Drainage
Block I Beach Drainage, Landscaping and Paving
University Water Issues
Removal of Trees throughout the neighborhood
Totaling over $750,000 in improvements to WSPC
Bill has also been very helpful whenever I have a question regarding WSPC infrastructure questions, getting WSPC signs, etc.
Presidents Report
I like to take this opportunity to formally thank all the people who volunteer their time.
I want to first thank all the board members.
Chris Shifley – Has been helping with the parks
Nicole Sullivan – Nicki has been on the board for 3 years and this year Nicole was involved with the Block I Beach Restoration.
Our newest rookie sensation Sharon Zink – who was responsible for tracking down someone to fix the east pillars that were hit by a car two summers ago. It turns out the person that fixed the pillars was a friend of Bob Costa, who built the pillars many years ago. Sharon then cleared out the brush covering the pillars and painted the pillars herself. We are working with Fremont to see if we could put some signs up at the pillars.
I want to thank one board member in particular this year, Cheryl Moss for her time served as a two time board member. Cheryl was a board member over 15 years ago, left for a little while and volunteered for a second time approximately 4 years ago. Thank You, Cheryl Moss.
I want to thank all the commissioners that donate their time and efforts to making sure that we all live in such a beautiful neighborhood.
I want thank:
Terri Aichele and Gail Kirsten for helping with the attendance at the annual meeting
Pier Commissioner – Bruce Brodzik
Beach Commissioners – John Retzinger and Angelo Cangialosi
Parks Commissioner- Chris Shifley and Dan Prezell
Public Relations – Brenda Prezell and Patty Melledy
Water – Brett Laureys and Mike Davenport
Brett Laureys – I want to especially thank Brett Laureys for his time and effort of managing the water tank project. Most Home Owner Associations and municipalities would pay large amounts of money for someone in Brett’s position to manage a project this large. WSPC is very lucky to have someone with his experience and talents to shepherd this five yearlong effort from the inspection phase to final completion. Thank You, Brett.
I want to thank Marilee Rusiniak for over 12 years of service as the secretary of WSPC. The amount of work that is required to be the secretary is daunting. Her accuracy, detail and organization with the meeting minutes is remarkable. Thank You, Marilee.
If I missed anyone I apologize.
My last, “Thank You” is for Treasurer, Fred Aichele. Fred has now completed (from his calculations) 35 years as treasurer of WSPC. Treasurer, is probably the most important position in WSPC. Fred’s attention to detail is remarkable, he never misses a beat or makes a mistake. Fred also takes care of the web site and provides a historical perspective of WSPC that is instrumental in decisions made by the board.
Over the last couple of years Fred has had to work with the Lake County Grant Department to organize and distribute to several WSP members grant money associated with the water tank installation. The grant money distribution process has been very tedious and complicated and Fred has maneuvered through without a hitch. Fred’s efforts have insured that certain members of WSPC will receive approximately $2,000 to $2,500 per household toward their share of the financing for the water tank.
Thank you, very much, Fred.
I want to also thank all the volunteers that have come out throughout the year for the beach and park clean ups and the special events.
Water Tank – This year the big construction project will be the construction of the water tank. Brett Laureys will be giving a briefing of the status of the water tank project later in the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Melledy, President
Fred Aichele was presented with a plaque to commemorate his 35 years of volunteer service as Treasurer for West Shore Park.
Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 01/01/2018 – 01/31/2018. Items discussed included:
Line 18 & 19 – Uncollected. $3,392 of this line will be received from grant money when the new tank is completed.
Line 23 – Westshoreland. This money is paid by Westshoreland for beach and park use.
Line 45 – Water line repair. This was more than budgeted due to more than expected line breaks and necessary repairs.
Line 49 – Supplies, etc. This line is more than expected because of an error in submitting the Illinois Tax Return.
Line 50 – Printing. More than expected due to the printing of updated phone book was not budgeted.
Line 51 – Legal Fees. Came in under budget.
Lines 47/48/52/53/63 – Insurance. Fred reported how changing policies and insurance carriers has resulted in current and future savings for WSP.
Water Commissioner, Brett Laureys reported on the water tank replacement project and the current water situation. Brett commented that this has been a busy time for WSP and the ongoing water projects.
On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, Boller Construction and their sub-contractors started some preliminary work for the water tank replacement at Miller Park. This work was in preparation of the tank work that should begin in late March or early April, depending on the weather. The work will not affect our water system and we will have service the entire time. RHMG Engineers and Swanson Water Treatment are involved on our behalf. Hydrants have been installed for the temporary tank which will go on the asphalt section of Miller Park. Email notifications will go out to the neighborhood if there are any service issues to report.
Brett provided a tentative tank replacement schedule. Please note this schedule is contingent on weather and construction conditions and is not final:
March 19 – Set up temporary water system
April 9 – Demolition of old tank
April 16 – Form and pour new tank base
April 30 – Start installation of new tank
Mid May – New tank completed
Memorial Day – New tank operational
June 1 – Begin clean-up and landscaping
Tom Pilewski asked if there is an expected reduction in water volume or pressure. Brett replied that there is no expected reduction in volume, pressure, or service. There are no planned restrictions or extended interruptions to service. Brett explained that there may be periodic interruptions in service for a short amount of time. There may also be some rust or sediment that gets stirred up in the lines. Line flushing will occur if that happens and residents will be notified by email.
Mike Davenport inquired if the tank was going to be the same size. Brett replied that the tank is the same size and will have a geodesic dome on top. The tank has a 126,000 gallon capacity. There will be no change in water pressure.
It was asked why there is a need for a new foundation if the tank is the same size. Brett responded that the base of the new tank is embedded within the cement foundation and that engineering surveys recommended that the cement foundation be replaced due to the current age and structural integrity.
Bruce Brodzik asked what the final cost of the tank will be. Fred Aichele replied that WSPC has budgeted $405,700.00 for the water tank replacement project. Brett added that the amount includes a contingency to protect against an unexpected increase in the cost.
Mike Davenport asked about the expected life expectancy of the new tank. Brett replied that the tank was quoted to remain in service for the next 40 years.
Tom Pilewski stated that annual dues have been higher because of budgeting for the water tank project. Will this be the last year that the dues will be this high? Brett responded that this is the last year projected for dues to be this high due to the water tank, but that there is extensive work needed on Forest Lane and a need to replace failing water mains that can no longer be postponed. Fred added that WSPC has spent over $18,250 to repair water main breaks. We are currently running $18K over in emergency repairs.
It was discussed that water main breaks have been happening more frequently because of the age of the water mains in certain sections. This is especially true for the main under “old” Forest Lane, which has experienced multiple breaks within the last few years. Repairs/replacement would occur in two phases. Highland Terrace to Block 2 Beach = Phase 1. Block 2 Beach to end of “old” Forest Lane = Phase 2. The estimated cost is $160,000.00 per phase with a projected increase in cost of 3-5% per year to postpone. It is under consideration to include a third replacement/repair – 450ft of Prospect Ave which has 4” “old” style pipe that has been experiencing breaks. The additional phase would cost an additional estimated $150 – $160,000.00.
Juli Crane expressed that she understands open trench repairs can be more cost effective and requested if WSPC had received estimates with that option. Brett replied that his estimates were provided by our current contractors and that the estimates received were the most cost effective for the projected projects.
Tom Pilewski requested if WSPC could secure a capital improvement loan to get the projects completed as soon as possible and to avoid the projected 3-5% cost increase. Brett replied that it was a possibility that should be investigated.
Nicki Sullivan read the typical Village of Mundelein water charges as reported in the 2016 and 2017 Annual Meetings. The cost of water for the residents of the Village of Mundelein in December 2015, and that the monthly minimum charge a water customer will pay, was reported at $47.04 for anything 4500 gallons and under. This would equal $564.48 per year. The “typical” 2015 yearly residential average (obtained from an internal Village of Mundelein report) is $109.76/month which is equal to 10,500 gallons or $1,317.12/year.
Brett reported that there has been several reports of brown water in homes on University and Forest lane. He suggested that homeowners flush their pipe lines by opening all taps and letting the water run until clear. He also requested that residents report brown or foul smelling water to him or any member of the board.
Fred Aichele discussed the adopted budget and annual dues for the 2018 / 2019 fiscal year.
$666 Water $0 Water
$23 General $23 General
$44 Beach & Park $44 Beach & Park
———————————————— ——————————————————-
$733.00 $67.00
This budget was adopted at the Monthly Board Meeting of January 8, 2018. At this meeting, Sharon Zink moved and Chris Shifley seconded to accept the final draft of the Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 4/01/2018 – 3/31/2019 as proposed for presentation to the WSPC membership at the annual meeting. Unanimously approved by Directors: James Melledy, Cheryl Moss, Chris Shifley, Nicki Sullivan and Sharon Zink.
For comparison use only: The previous year’s annual dues for homes on the WSP Water System are as follows: 2017 – $767 / 2016 – $875 / 2015 – $652 / 2014 – $649 / 2013 – $654 / 2012 – $495 / 2011 – $779
Mark Steward questioned why the budget for legal fees has doubled. James Melledy replied that the budget has been increased to cover additional anticipated legal expenses including the draft and revision of the Taylor Lake Court Licensing Agreement.
The terms of Directors James Melledy, Cheryl Moss and Chris Shifley have expired. Cheryl Moss will not be seeking another term. James Melledy and Chris Shifley are both interested in continuing to serve on the WSP Corporation Board of Directors.
WSPC received three eligible nominations to be considered for the three open positions of Director.
Each candidate was asked to introduce themselves.
New candidate Ernie Billitier: Ernie has lived in WSP since 2009 and is originally from Mundelein. He is currently an English teacher and a soccer coach at MHS. He is married and has a son.
The official, certified, candidates for Director are:
James Melledy (19344 Fairview Drive) – Block 2 – Two Year Term
The nomination for James Melledy was seconded by Bruce Brodzik. Unanimously approved by a voice vote.
Chris Shifley (26737 Oakdale Lane) – Block 1 – Two Year Term
The nomination for Chris Shifley was seconded by Dan Prezell. Unanimously approved by a voice vote.
Ernie Billitier (19377 Fairview Drive) – Block 2 – One Year Term
The nomination for Ernie Billitier was seconded by Gail Kersten. Unanimously approved by a voice vote.