Monthly Board Meeting
Held at Countryside Fire Station No. 1
801 S. Midlothian Rd.
Mundelein, Illinois
Monday, July 13, 2020
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes for Approval
3. Homeowner Forum – Public Comment – regarding any items not on agenda
4. Correspondence
a. Piers
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Commissioners’ Report
a. Forest Water Main
b. Miller Park
7. Taylor Lake Court – Licensing Agreement
8. Next scheduled Board meeting – Board Meeting – August 3, 2020
9. Adjourn
Since this is the first public meeting indoors at the Fire House since March, the board is going to try to keep the meeting shorter than usual to limit the potential exposure to attendees.
The following protocols for entry were sent to the board from the Countryside Fire Department:
Facemasks/face covering must be worn while within the building.
All visitors must sign in at entrance.
Visitors must have their temperature checked and logged at entrance.
Maximum occupancy for Training Room at Mundelein is 22