2021 11 Minutes Nov Draft



Nov 1, 2021


Directors: Larry Bakirtjy, Werner Brisske, Mike Davenport, Chris Shifley

Treasurer: Fred Aichele

Secretary: Marilee C.C. Rusiniak

Members: Sue Esson, Carol Hamilton, James Melledy


The meeting was called to order on November 1, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President Mike Davenport.


Chris Shifley moved that the minutes from the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of October 4, 2021 be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Werner Brisske. Unanimously approved.


  • Sue Esson issued a complaint regarding the rain garden in Miller Park. She stated that it is not in the correct location and that it is not graded properly and that rain pools on and near her property during and after heavy rain and nowhere near where the rain garden had been planted. James Melledy reported that he and Jay Randolph had reviewed the location and condition of the rain garden and that it appears to be installed in the correct location but will revisit the location during or shortly after the next heavy rain event to re-evaluate how the water is pooling in the area. Mike Davenport stated that the rain garden is in its first year and it will be allowed to grow because these are native plants that may take 2-3 years to become established. Growth will be evaluated, weeds removed, and additional beneficial plants added as needed.

  • Fred Aichele presented pictures he took of the current state of the rain garden for review and reference.

  • Sue Esson requested information on how far along the Miller Park channel is the lawn-care service that maintains Miller Park is expected to mow. She stated that it appears sections are not properly maintained. The landscaping contractors will be contacted and area expected to be maintained will be reviewed to ensure they are aware of where WSP property extends so it is maintained as expected.

  • Fred Aichele presented pictures of a private driveway on a property adjacent to Miller Park which demonstrated how the driveway may appear to be part of Miller Park. Recommendation is for the property owner to install a “No Trespassing” sign near the driveway or to plant bushes to help deter trespassing from the park onto private property.


Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 10/01/2021 – 10/31/2021. Larry Bakirtjy moved and Werner Brisske seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved.

Sue Esson asked if WSPC was paying ComEd “straight rates” of if going through a broker could possibly lower the cost the electricity expense. It was explained that WSPC receives a negotiated commercial rate that is considerably lower than current residential electricity rates.

Fred Aichele presented the first draft of the proposed budget for review and discussion.

Budget items discussed included:

  • Mike Davenport reported that it has been difficult to secure a solid bid and commitment for the well-roof repair, possibly because it could be considered a small project. It was decided that a patch could be completed by volunteers before winter that would keep the well-house water-tight and that the replacement of the entire roof should be planned and budgeted to be completed in spring/summer 2022.

  • Water-line and valve replacement / repair. Water Commissioner will be providing estimates for budget consideration.

  • Possibility that annual dues may show an increase over recent years.

All commissioners are requested to submit their budget requests for 2022-2023 to the WSPC board ASAP for review and discussion at the December 6 Regular Monthly Board Meeting.



Review and discussion of the Board and Officers Task List.

Fred Aichele reported he had secured meeting dates with the Countryside Fire Station for the WSPC 2022 regular monthly board meetings and the annual meeting.

Fred Aichele presented the revised Self-Nomination Form to be a Candidate for Board of Directors and cover letter for review.


Werner Brisske reported that concerns regarding vacant and/or dilapidated properties should be sent to the Lake County Planning, Building and Development Department at [email protected] or Phone: 847-377-2600.

Larry Bakirtjy reported he is working on getting bids for the removal of a dead tree that appears to be on common WSPC property which could damage a member’s house if it falls before being properly removed. Access to the tree may need prior permission of the homeowner to for the removal team to be allowed to come onto property for removal process.

Clarification is needed with the park and beach landscaping company to determine if they consider dead sea-weed to be considered landscaping waste, which they would be responsible to remove and dispose, and not general trash which is moved by members to the garbage cans for disposal by Groot.

Werner Brisske provided a follow-up report to information provided from the Fremont Township Highway Department:

  • Plowing concerns to be addressed. Identifying any possible problems areas for plowing which may include identifying and landscaping in the road right-of-way and contacting the homeowner regarding the re-location of landscaping.

  • Signage on Forest Lane to be reviewed and confirmed as current to the new configuration of the road.

  • Need to confirm which roads will be plowed by Fremont Township and if there are any roads which will need to be plowed privately by WSPC.

  • Fremont Township does not stake or survey the right of way prior to paving.

  • Looking into possible cost sharing for off road parking spots. WSP and Fremont Township planning to meet to discuss variables and cost sharing.


Larry Bakirtjy moved that the meeting be adjourned. Chris Shifley seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

The board met in Executive Session following the adjournment of the regular meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilee C.C. Rusiniak, Secretary




  • December 6, 2021 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

  • January 3, 2022 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

  • February 7, 2022 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

All monthly meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Meetings will be held via Zoom in the event that Tier 3 Covid-19 Mitigation Measures are put into place and meeting rooms may not host gatherings. Dates and time and location are subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Please contact any member of the board or check the website for updated information regarding meeting location.


Name                                       Month/Year Term Expires

Werner Brisske, Block 2           February 2022

Mike Davenport, At Large        February 2023

Minaxi Tailor, Block 2                February 2023

Chris Shifley, Block 1               February 2022

Larry Bakirtjy, Block 1              February 2023


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We encourage all Fremont Township residents to sign up!