2014 09 Board Meeting Minutes Sept


Directors: Tabatha Curtis, Susan Frank, James Melledy, Dan Prezell, Gina Rundall

Treasurer: Fred Aichele

Secretary:  Marilee C.C. Wald

Others: Ken and Andrea Wald (26817 Circle Drive)


The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 by President, Dan Prezell.


James Melledy moved and Susan Frank seconded that the minutes from the Regular Monthly Board of Directors Meeting of August 4, 2014 be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved by Directors: Tabatha Curtis, Susan Frank, James Melledy, Dan Prezell and Gina Rundall.


Dan Prezell presented a map to the board indicating property off of Taylor Lake Court that is owned by the West Shore Park Corporation. Insurance and liability concerns are being investigated by Dan Prezell for the Taylor Lake Court property.


James Melledy reported that bids have been solicited in preparation to renew the current fidelity bond and revisions have been requested.


Fred Aichele presented the Treasurer’s Report for 08/01/14 – 08/31/2014. James Melledy moved and Gina Rundall seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. Unanimously approved by Directors: Tabatha Curtis, Susan Frank, James Melledy, Dan Prezell and Gina Rundall. A copy is available for download.


Review and discussion of delinquent accounts.





James Melledy presented his report on Block II Beach. Due to extensive drainage issues at the Block II Beach over the last several years, the beautification of Block II Beach has been put on hold. Fremont Township has worked with WSP to improve the Block II Beach drainage situation since the turnover of West Shore Park roads to Fremont Township. Now that a final drainage plan to stop the eroding of the beach is scheduled to be completed by the end of summer 2014, residents of Block II have come up with a Master Renovation Plan to beautify the Block II Beach.


The Block II Beach Beautification Plan involves some structural improvements such as retaining walls to help with drainage and the fixing of the seawall. The plan also includes the planting of appropriate bushes, trees and plants as well as landscaping that will help improve the visual appeal of the beach. Budget and time-frame recommendations will be presented and reviewed by the board during the budget review process during the coming board meetings.


It was reported that the new drainage repairs at Block II Beach were very effective during an extremely heavy rain event in late August.

It was recommended that the West Shoreland Board Of Directors be contacted and a board member of West Shoreland be invited to be part of the planning for Block II Beach improvements. WSPC receives money from West Shoreland towards the use of WSP beaches and parks.



Dan Prezell presented a report from Water Commisioner, Brett Laureys. Mr. Laureys reported that there was a water main break in front of 19251 Forest Lane resulting in the loss of water service to some homes on Forest Lane. Due to the loss of water and size of the break, extra help was called in to facilitate emergency repairs. A hole in the side of the water main washed out a sizeable area of the road bed in front of 19251 Forest Lane. The hole was repaired and final cleanup and cutting of the road was done and water service was restored. Mr. Laureys also reported that water expenses are currently running over budget due to the water main breaks experienced this fiscal season.


Dan Prezell reported meeting with Lake County representatives regarding the 2015 Public Infrastructure Improvements Application process for securing the Lake County Community Development HUD Block Grant towards the well replacement. Brett Laureys, Dan Prezell and James Melledy are currently working on the application process.


Dan Prezell reported he has attended the scheduled Mundelein Park District meeting to discuss weed control options and will continue to represent WSPC in future Mundelein Park District meetings regarding Diamond Lake.




Dan Prezell presented a Resolution Supporting West Shoreland In Their Efforts To Enforce The Fence Covenant As Recorded In Document #333009. James Melledy moved:

WHEREAS, subdivision West Shore Park Corporation lies adjacent to West Shoreland subdivision;  and

WHEREAS, West Shore Park Corporation with fair market value in excess of fifty million dollars, enjoys the benefits and protections of a community governed by rules, regulations, covenants;  and

WHEREAS, West Shore Park Corporation and West Shoreland exist in harmony as part of the same tract of land;  and

WHEREAS, both communities, with a total dwelling population of  approximately 250 homes, share many things in common including the very same covenants placed on the land;  and

WHEREAS, both communities share, respect and uphold the same original covenants placed upon said land as recorded in document #333009 in the Recorder’s office of Lake County, Illinois;  and

WHEREAS, West Shore Park Corporation considers all threats against the fence covenants to be harmful to the general welfare and property values of its homeowners;  and

WHEREAS, West Shore Park Corporation successfully defended its right of restricting fences from their property lots in the Courts of Lake County, Illinois in February of 1983;  and

WHEREAS,  West Shore Park Corporation sees any unsuccessful attempt to enforce these covenants as a threat to future property values and the general welfare of its residents;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Directors of the West Shore Park Corporation, Lake County, Illinois, as follows:

SECTION 1:  The Corporate Authorities of the West Shore Park Corporation find that the facts set forth in the preamble to this Resolution are true and correct.

SECTION 2:  The Corporate Authorities of the West Shore Park Corporation hereby express the unconditional and unqualified support for West Shoreland to enforce the fence covenant.

SECTION 3:  This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law.

The resolution was seconded by Tabatha Curtis and unanimously approved by Directors: Tabatha Curtis, Susan Frank, James Melledy, Dan Prezell and Gina Rundall.




In an effort to show support of the current Lake County Stormwater Management Commission to improve water quality, reduce flood damages, and restore and enhance the natural drainage system, Dan Prezell presented a Resolution Supporting The Use Of Phosphorus-Free Fertilizers And Detergents In West Shore Park Corporation. James Melledy moved:

WHEREAS, creeks and lakes are natural assets that enhance the environmental, recreational, cultural and economic resources of West Shore

Park Corporation and contribute to the general health and welfare of the public; and

WHEREAS, the placement of fertilizer containing phosphorus upon lawns results in surface water runoff carrying phosphorus into creeks and lakes in West Shore Park Corporation;  and

WHEREAS, the use of household detergents containing phosphorus, in the form of a phosphate, results in high levels of phosphates in fresh water bodies as the result of contamination from municipal and domestic wastewater that contains phosphates;  and

WHEREAS, the increase in phosphorus concentration in creeks and lakes results in an increase in the rate of growth and volume of undesirable biological growth in creeks and lakes;  and

WHEREAS, such increased biological growth has an adverse effect upon the water and habitat quality;  and

WHEREAS, a significant source of phosphorus content in surface water runoff is directly related to the fertilizer used in residential and commercial applications;  and

WHEREAS, another significant source of phosphorus content in wastewater is directly related to detergents used in household applications;  and

WHEREAS, limiting the amount of nutrients and contaminants, including phosphorus contained in fertilizer entering creeks and lakes will improve and maintain water and habitat quality;  and

WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the West Shore Park Corporation desire to encourage the use of phosphorus-free fertilizer and detergents to limit the concentration of phosphorus in creeks and lakes, all in the interest of public health, safety and welfare;  and

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Directors of the West Shore Park Corporation, Lake County, Illinois, as follows:


SECTION 1:  The Corporate Authorities of the West Shore Park Corporation find that the facts set forth in the preamble to this Resolution are true and correct.

SECTION 2:  The Corporate Authorities of the West Shore Park Corporation hereby express the unconditional and unqualified support for the use of phosphorus-free fertilizers and detergents in West Shore Park Corporation.

SECTION 3:  This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law.

The resolution was seconded by Tabatha Curtis and unanimously approved by Directors: Tabatha Curtis, Susan Frank, James Melledy, Dan Prezell and Gina Rundall.

Please note that this resolution does not prevent any resident in West Shore Park from choosing fertilizers and/or detergents that are not phosphorus-free. This resolution demonstrates that the West Shore Park Corporation Board of Directors fully support and encourage the use of phosphorus-free fertilizers and detergents within our community.

Following the passing of the resolution, it was noted that some residents currently allow the grey water from their home to be discharged outside of their home and not into the sewer system. James Melledy recommended that Lake County Illinois Stormwater Management be contacted to address this issue to prevent the grey water from being washed into Diamond Lake.


Dan Prezell presented the proposed 2015 Board meeting dates for review.


Dan Prezell presented the proposed 2015 budget timetable for review.

Residents are reminded that budget planning for the 2015-2016 fiscal year is beginning. Residents are encouraged to attend monthly board meetings to have their concerns and requests regarding the budget addressed during the planning stage. The most important meetings regarding how WSPC spends funds collected from the homeowners are from October through February.


Susan Frank moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Tabatha Curtis and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Marilee C.C. Wald, Secretary



The Next WSP MONTHLY Homeowner’s Association Meeting will be held at 7:00pm on Monday, October 6, 2014 at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, IL 60060.



Monday, October 6, 2014 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

Monday, November 3, 2014 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting

Monday, December 1, 2014 – Regularly Scheduled Monthly Board Meeting


All meetings are held at Countryside Fire Station #1, 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, IL 60060 at 7pm. Dates and time and location is subject to change. All homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings.

Homeowners are reminded that budget planning for the 2015-2016 fiscal year is beginning. All homeowners are encouraged to attend monthly board meetings to have their concerns and requests regarding the budget addressed during the planning stage. The most important meetings regarding how WSPC spends funds collected from the homeowners are from October through February.